LEA will present two scholarships, each valued at $750, in the spring of 2021.
- One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Lawrence Central senior in the top half of his/her class.
- One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Lawrence North senior in the top half of his/her class.
- Both recipients must commit to continuing education after graduation with the intent of working in “helping” fields that may include but are not limited to education, social work, counseling, nursing/health, criminal justice.
Each application packet shall include ALL of the following:
- The completed application form (attached).
- An official transcript through the fall semester of the senior year.
- Sealed rating sheets from five school adults (teachers, counselors, administrators, club sponsors, etc.). The applicant is to make copies of the attached rating sheet and give them to his/her five chosen school adults. Each adult shall complete the rating sheet, put it in a No. 10 envelope, seal the envelope and write his/her signature across the seal of the envelope. The student applicant is to obtain the sealed envelope from the school adult and include it in his/her application packet. Again, the student is to obtain five rating sheets.
- A narrative essay of 150-300 words, written by the applicant, telling the scholarship committee how he/she has helped others. The autobiographical essay is to be titled and is to follow all the conventions of a well-written piece of prose.
Failure to follow the above instructions may disqualify an application.
Application Packet
The complete application packet is due by 4 P.M. Friday, March 26, 2021, to one of the following:
Kim Payne-Shearer, LEA scholarship coordinator
Lawrence Central High School
7300 E. 56th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Questions? E-mail kimberlypayneshearer@msdlt.k12.in.us